• Open Enrollment

    Future students. Future colleagues and colleagues, you can find all the key entry information here.

  • Laboratories

    The Faculty of Technology Zvornik, owns the most modern laboratories for both chemical and food technology.



The Faculty of Technology Zvornik offers tuition-free education, covered by the budget of the state, for the majority of its students.


The curricula of the bachelor studies have a multidimensional and modular concept and structure. The undergraduate studies are organized as a four-year course program.


The Faculty of Technology Zvornik is equipped with cutting edge laboratories used both for teaching and research purposes.


Collaboration with ICTM

The Institute of Chemistry, Technology, and Metallurgy (ICTM) is a nationally significant institute within the University of Belgrade, Republic...


Elixir Presentation at Tehnologijada 2024

We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Technology Zvornik has successfully organized the traditional annual convention of...


Enrollment 2024 – Studies in English

According to Act 67 of the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska 67/20), the Decision...


    Chemical Engineering and Technology,  240 ECTS, with 4 modules:

  • Chemical Process Engineering and Technology
  • Food Technology
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Occupational Safety and Fire Protection
  • Biology 240 ECTS

Chemical Process Engineering and Technology

Graduated students of the study program Chemical Engineering and Technology can work in various branches of the chemical processing industry (basic chemistry, petrochemical and petroleum industry, pharmaceutical industry, etc.). - The basics of physical, chemical and physical-chemical processes are studied ...

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Food Technology

Food technology engineers deal with the function of nutrition in life, as well as the entire process of producing various foods that correspond to physico-chemical, microbiological and aesthetic requirements of consumers. They study food ingredients, their function and importance in the process of production and food safety ...

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Environmental Engineering

Expected competencies of graduated students in this program include, among other things, knowledge of the cause and the ability to propose solutions for current environmental problems, knowledge of domestic and global regulations and technologies in the areas of solid waste management, water treatment ...

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Occupational Safety and Fire Protection

Occupational Safety is a set of technical, health, legal, psychological, pedagogical and other activities to detect and eliminate the dangers that endanger the life and health of persons at work and determine the measures, procedures and rules to eliminate or reduce these hazards. Purpose of protection on ...

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The goal of each university study program is to expand knowledge from certain scientific areas acquired during previous education. Biological science in conjunction with other natural sciences has found application in almost all fields of human activity. Solving global problems ...

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Students Studying Actively

Staff members


Study programs



Karakaj 34A, 75400 Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina




+387 56 260 190