- Звање:Редовни професор
- Катедра: Инжењерство заштите животне средине (није формирана)
- Година дипломирања и институција: Технолошки факултет Зворник, Универзитет у Српском Сарајеву, 2000. год.
- Година магистратуре и институција: Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет у Београду, 2008. год.
- Година доктората и институција: Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет у Београду, 2013. год.
- Mail: slavko.smilјanic@tfzv.ues.rs.ba
Интереси и истраживања:
1. Smiljanić, S., Smičiklas, I., Perić-Grujić, A., Lončar, B., & Mitrić, M. (2010). Rinsed and thermally treated red mud sorbents for aqueous Ni2+ ions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 162, 75-83. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
2. Smiljanić, S., Smičiklas, I., Perić-Grujić, A., Šljivić, M., Đukić, B., & Lončar, B. (2011). Study of factors affecting Ni2+ immobilization efficiency by temperature activated red mud, Chemical Engineering Journal, 168, 610-619. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
3. Smičiklas, I., Smiljanić, S., Perić-Grujić, A., Šljivić-Ivanović, M., & Antonović, D. (2013). The influence of citrate anion on Ni(II) removal by raw red mud from alumina industry, Chemical Engineering Journal, 214, 327-335. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
4. Smičiklas, I., Smiljanić, S., Perić-Grujić, A., Šljivić-Ivanović, M., Mitrić, M., & Antonović, D. (2014). Effect of acid treatment on red mud properties with implications on Ni(II) sorption and stability, Chemical Engineering Journal, 242, 27–35. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
5. Marković, J., Jović, M., Smičiklas, I., Šljivić-Ivanović, M., Smiljanić, S., Onjia, A., & Popović, A., (2018). Estimation of cadmium uptake by tobacco plants from laboratory leaching tests, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, in press. ISSN: 1532-4117. 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 1,455.
1. Smiljanić, S., Smičiklas, I., Perić-Grujić, A., Lončar, B., & Mitrić, M. (2010). Rinsed and thermally treated red mud sorbents for aqueous Ni2+ ions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 162, 75-83. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
2. Smiljanić, S., Smičiklas, I., Perić-Grujić, A., Šljivić, M., Đukić, B., & Lončar, B. (2011). Study of factors affecting Ni2+ immobilization efficiency by temperature activated red mud, Chemical Engineering Journal, 168, 610-619. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
3. Smičiklas, I., Smiljanić, S., Perić-Grujić, A., Šljivić-Ivanović, M., & Antonović, D. (2013). The influence of citrate anion on Ni(II) removal by raw red mud from alumina industry, Chemical Engineering Journal, 214, 327-335. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
4. Smičiklas, I., Smiljanić, S., Perić-Grujić, A., Šljivić-Ivanović, M., Mitrić, M., & Antonović, D. (2014). Effect of acid treatment on red mud properties with implications on Ni(II) sorption and stability, Chemical Engineering Journal, 242, 27–35. ISSN: 1385-8947, 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 6,159.
5. Marković, J., Jović, M., Smičiklas, I., Šljivić-Ivanović, M., Smiljanić, S., Onjia, A., & Popović, A., (2018). Estimation of cadmium uptake by tobacco plants from laboratory leaching tests, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, in press. ISSN: 1532-4117. 5 Year Impact Factor - 2016: 1,455.