Accommodation at the Student Center

The Student Center is a public institution offering accommodation and food to students and employees of the Faculty of Technology Zvornik.  The Center is co-financed by the funds paid for these services by the users and by the Government of the Republic of Srpska. The accommodation capacity is 100 beds, and the restaurant offers three meals per day. The restaurant is constantly updating the menu taking into consideration both the preferences of students, and cultural, religious and other important factors.  The Center also includes a reading room, a futsal field, indoor table tennis area, dining facilities, etc. The price for accommodation and meals in total is 200 euros per month.

Accommodation for Rent near Campus

In addition to the Student Center, there is a wide array of accommodation options available for rent in
the vicinity of our faculty. They are located within walking distance of the faculty, ensuring that you can
easily commute between your classes and your home.

From single rooms to shared apartments, these private accommodation options cater to different preferences and budgets. They are equipped with essential amenities and are located in safe, student-friendly neighborhoods with prices ranging from 150 to 200 euros.

Please find below a selection of photographs showcasing some of these accommodation options.